lunedì 30 gennaio 2012

domenica 29 gennaio 2012

30anni / edit/edit nr. 2

ho vinto un dottorato a utrecht

ho preso un dottorato a Padova.

Ha-ha. Oddio. (ps. Lausanne). 

sabato 28 gennaio 2012

oceano mare#1

at night i miss you more.
at night there are some nights i miss you more than others.
moments, really. when i wake up. a nightmare, a dream, my room too hot. when i find the pig i share the bed with and speak to him and the language is you.
not often.
just at night.
half conscius, in the dark, I speak you. like if you were my language, like a way to call you.

wrong - i do call you.
you can't see the words in the dark.
if you don't show up, something else will. a pig, a dream, the morning.
but if it was you,
i'd like it more.


venerdì 27 gennaio 2012

oceano mare #0

who are you?